What do we have in common with the mayor of a municipality or city?
First and foremost, our efforts to protect the environment.
A clean environment is one of the most important factors promoting quality of life and good health. WE protect nature. By providing sewerage systems for municipalities and cities, we take care of waste water, which is then cleaned and returned to circulation.

Every modern municipality should have a sewerage system. Yet there are still places where locals take matters into their own hands, for example by discharging waste water into streams. Not only is this illegal and an offence, but by discharging waste water into surface water or groundwater, they are significantly harming the environment.
Let’s change this!
Our technology is used by hundreds of satisfied municipalities in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Our services
- We will design a system tailored to your needs, including detailed calculations.
- We provide consulting services – we will be with you the whole way, from the initial studies, through the project phase, to implementation – from A to Z.
- We participate in public meetings to help councils and citizens understand the specific issues and proposed solutions.
- We deliver and install the technology.
- Let’s be honest – our pumps do not last forever. Yet if you take good care of them, they will last up to 15 years.
Price list for a sewerage system for a municipality or its part
As municipalities are of different sizes (population, number of houses, etc.), it is not possible to set a single price for a sewerage system.
Contact our sales department, and we will be happy to prepare calculations for you.
What about the costs?
The first question on everybody’s mind is probably: “How much will this cost me? The project, implementation, operation of the sewerage system…” Don’t despair! With over 30 years of experience in this field, we are very good at calculating the costs of each project, despite the new challenges every project brings.
When designing a sewerage system, we place great emphasis on acquisition costs, but especially on operating costs.
Investment costs
Building a sewerage system benefits not only the citizens but also the environment – and you don’t have to do it all alone! Subsidies cover a significant part of the construction, so it won’t be such a burden on the municipality budget.
In addition, pressure sewerage is the cheapest sewerage system available.
CZK 40 000 000 CZK 20 000 000
Pressure sewerage is up to 50% cheaper than gravity sewerage.
Advantages of our technology are undeniable.
If you are considering our pressure sewerage, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are experts in this field and we’ll have your back during the whole process. Based on input data from you, we will prepare a FREE expert estimate so that you can see how much the whole project will cost.

Operating costs
Pressure sewerage comes with low operating costs. You will save both money and your valuable time.
It is:
- practically maintenance-free,
- automatic,
- and unlike vacuum sewerage, it has low electricity consumption and does not require regular checks of the system.
Service life of our technology
- The service life of the hydraulic part of the pump is eight years. If you take good care of the pump and follow the operating instructions, the hydraulics will usually need repair or overhaul after eight years of use.
- Unfortunately, our pumps do not last forever. The service life is usually 15 years of operation, after which they need replacing. HOWEVER, the control panel components and pump valves can remain in place, meaning that the replacement is significantly cheaper than the initial investment.